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A Recipe for Your Next Campaign

Dec 14, 2018
This is not your mother's  kitchen remodel. 
It's faith, philanthropy and ministry at its very best.
For the past 6 months, I've been working with leaders at Christ on Capitol Hill, a richly diverse 150-year-old church across the street from the Minnesota State Capitol. 
It's a small congregation - an average weekly worship attendance of 100 - with a big vision to "provide a place where people experiencing homelessness to lawmakers and everyone in between can be in relationship around a table." The Welcome Table campaign will fund the first 3 years of salary for a deacon called to food ministry, and renovate a 60-year-old kitchen into a code-compliant, commercially operable facility. Watch the campaign video HERE.
For a congregation that relies on significant support from external sources, the success of the campaign has provided confidence to continue its rich history of bringing people together from diverse backgrounds. 
There are dozens of 'people reasons' behind this family of faith's recipe for bringing this gift to their neighbors. But there are 3 fundraising ingredients behind the campaign's success.
  1. A large lead gift. Karin's six-figure legacy gift took the kitchen renovation project off the back burner and put it on the table for discussion and dreaming.  The simple act of naming the church in her will now has the potential to transform Karin's church and her entire community.
  2. A compelling story.  We engaged Casey Fuerst at  Tic Tac Toe Marketing to help us clarify our message.  Casey's expertise as a certified StoryBrand Guide provided the framework to help us synthesize and share a case for support that was easily articulated and widely embraced.
  3. Gifts of assets.  70% of the gifts given or pledged  are coming from just a dozen people who responded 'yes' to our personal invitation to consider gifts of stock, mutual funds, retirement funds, or donor advised fund distributions. Since members typically give their regular offerings from their income or other cash sources, gifts of assets to a campaign don't put support for ongoing ministry at risk.
Whether your Legacy Giving program is on the back burner, or a future capital campaign is cooking, let's connect!